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Education in Canada

Canadian Schools are reknowned for educational excellence.  In the 2012 PISA report, Canada ranked one of the highest in Math, Science and English with only a small handful of countries having a slightly higher academic average.  Past students have raved over the quality of teaching staff, course choice availablity, and support given to the arts, sciences and trades.  


We offer a school in either a rural or larger city setting in the three areas below.  A Host family is selected that best fits the teen or University aged student coming to Canada.  We offer transportation to and from school, all airport transit, and take care of all the required paperwork enabling an international teen to study in Canada.  


Click on the buttons below for details and pricing in the area that interests you. For further information do not hesitate to call  604-807-0866 or 

email or

applying for a student visa

Pisa Report

International Youth Ventures * Canadian programs for International teens and young adults

Contact us at:  604-807-0866

E-mail us at or at

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