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Immersion Program for 2020



Imagine the excitement of coming to Canada choosing from a stay in Ontario, Alberta, or British Columbia, and living with a family enjoying what that area has to offer this summer!


Immersion Programs are typically four weeks although we can customize the length of time of a stay. We now have families that provides horse riding instruction (they are not available to host at this time) in Langley, B.C. and in the Calgary area of Alberta.  


Program Includes:  Host family with private room and board; transit to and from airport and on all trips; one full and two half day excursions; area Coordinator; Agent support in country of origin and in Canada. At the end of your stay you will have a new extended family in Canada and many memories to share with your family back home, plus you will have improved your English by being fully immersed in Canadian Culture with a Canadian Speaking family.


International Youth Ventures * Canadian programs for International teens and young adults

Contact us at:  604-807-0866

E-mail us at or at

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